Applications & Uses
  1. Construction
    Residential - Commercial
    walls - ceilings - stairwells - electrical closets - doors - wood and wood products - metals - composites
    OEM PRoducts
    partitions - wallboard - furniture - siding - exterior paneling
    Structural Steel
    one, two hour UL fire protection
    displays - movie sets - trade show displays
  2. Industrial
    Warehouse - Factory - Office
    pipes - conduits - electrical - tanks - storage
  3. Transportation
    Trains - Monorails
    undercarriage protection - bulkheads - overheads
    gas tank protection
    bulkhead - electrical - fuselage insulation
  4. Maritime
    Surface Coating
    combustibles - pipes - aluminum dampers - electrical
    bulkheads - decks - insulation
  5. Military
    structural - bulkhead -decks - aluminum - composites
    vehicles - ordinance - barracks
  6. Nuclear
    one, two, and three hour control cable fire protection

FIRE PROTECTION COATING supplier manufacturer Fire Retardant Formulation Paint supplier manufacturer Fireproofing Coating supplier manufacturer HOT SURFACE COATING supplier manufacturer Intumescent Coating supplier manufacturer

ceramic crystal glass coating
conformal coating
fire retardant coating
heat resistant coating
lubricant coating
nano coating
polyurea coating
powder coating
printing ink
roof coating
scratch resistance coating
sound damping coating
texture coating
water proof coating
wood coating exteror decoration

texture coating
water proof coating
wood coating exteror decoration